5th Annual LRF Golf Outing Hosted by Joe Garbarski

Thursday, June 19, 2025  |  Kishwaukee Country Club (DeKalb, Illinois)

Join us at the Kishwaukee Country Club in DeKalb, Illinois for the Leukemia Research Foundation Golf Outing hosted by Joe Garbarski.

  • Foursome: $1,000
  • Two Golfers: $500
  • Single Golfer: $250
  • Dinner only: $100
  • 50 Raffle tickets: $100
  • Hole sponsorships: $150


If you are unable to attend the outing but would still like to support Joe and the Leukemia Research Foundation, please click here.

Register today

About Kishwaukee Country Club

With bent grass fairways, tees and greens, woods, water and a gentle rolling terrain, the Kishwaukee Country Club's golf course is among the best in northern Illinois. Founded in 1901 and original layout designed by Tom Bendelow, this historic championship venue is known for it's tree lined fairways and fast greens with a brand new clubhouse constructed in 2017.

Kishwaukee Country Club
1901 Sycamore Road
DeKalb, Illinois 60115


For questions or additional information, please contact Joe Garbarski at 630.584.9775 or jgarbarski@comcast.net.