Patient Advisory Committee
The Patient Advisory Committee is made up of volunteers who have been diagnosed with leukemia or who have cared for a loved one with leukemia. Their purpose is to advise the Foundation on its patient and family support programs by giving feedback and sharing their needs as patients and caregivers. The Foundation uses their insights to improve or change its programs to best support patients and their loved ones.
Committee members
Committee members reside across the United States, representing a variety of diagnoses, genders, ages, stages of treatment, and more. The current members are listed below.

Barry Abbott

Lori Brosman

Jill Glasser - Chair

Jesse Grose

Amy Harris

Hope Kaser

Michelle Kramer

Aaron Langmayer

Patricia Malone

Zachary Mirecki

Michael Neil

Michael Pantazis

Gantry Praw

Janet Shuurman

Robert Trebor

Eduardo Vallejos

Pam Wilson
Patient and family feedback
If you are a patient, survivor, or family member/caregiver of a patient and have feedback about the Leukemia Research Foundation's patient and family support programs or your needs, we'd love to hear it! Part of our mission is to provide necessary support services to leukemia patients and their families. We are dedicated to achieving this mission and strive to offer programs and services that best serve the leukemia community.
Please fill out the form below. If you wish to remain anonymous, simply leave the name and email fields blank.