Allison: a star on and off the court
“My mom was diagnosed with CML in February of 2019,” said Allison Mayfield. “We are so grateful for modern medicine and the research put into an oral pill. That pill has allowed my mom to get back to a “normal” life after a very scary time for us all. And that is the reason I want to help support leukemia research.”
And she is. Allison is a star in the Athletes Unlimited Pro Volleyball league, which, in partnership with USA Volleyball, is one of only a few professional women’s indoor volleyball leagues in the U.S. This year, she has selected the Leukemia Research Foundation as her charity to play for. As a partner, the Foundation will receive a grant equal to 100% of Allison’s win bonus, averaging around $3,000.
“Before my mom was diagnosed, she had been dealing with a lot of symptoms. However, since her doctors had not ordered a complete blood count (CBC) test at her annual appointments for years, the condition had been missed for who knows how long. By the time they finally realized what was going on, it was already stage 4 CML.
The diagnosis
“After asking about a large bruise on the inside of her arm, she was rushed to the emergency room. Tests confirmed her white blood cell (WBC) count was more than six times what it should have been.
“She spent a week in the hospital where they immediately initiated chemotherapy and desperately worked to get that WBC count down. Thankfully it worked. Her numbers came down enough to be discharged. She was prescribed a pill to be taken daily for the rest of her life, or until it stops working for her.
“My mom goes in every three months for blood work and follow-ups to make sure that her numbers are holding steady. Within the last year, they have said she can consider herself in “remission” because her numbers have been good, although with CML, it will never be fully gone.”
Allison’s professional volleyball season starts in October and runs for five weeks. “I’m excited to be partnering with the Leukemia Research Foundation to try and raise awareness on this condition and hopefully help further medical research, if only a little bit,” she said.
Learn more about setting up your own fundraiser for leukemia research, or find out more about the Athletes Unlimited Pro Volleyball program.